
sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012

17 Diciembre Dia Internacional contra la violencia de las trabajadoras sexuales

Recuerdo que hay Derechos Fundamentales, que están siendo vulnerados sistematicamente por los poderes públicos. En concreto en España, la CE recoge los siguientes artículos: Artículo 9. 2 "Corresponde a los poderes públicos promover las condiciones para que la libertad y la igualdad del individuo y de los grupos en que se integra sean reales y efectivas; remover los obstáculos que impidan o dificulten su plenitud y facilitar la participación de todos los ciudadanos en la vida política, económica, cultural y social." Artículo 35. 1" Todos los españoles tienen el deber de trabajar y el derecho al trabajo, a la libre elección de profesión u oficio, a la promoción a través del trabajo y a una remuneración suficiente para satisfacer sus necesidades y las de su familia, sin que en ningún caso pueda hacerse discriminación por razón de sexo.

The list of Names for 2012 is still being compiled.
The list of names for 2011 to be read out at vigils in the United States.
Want to participate in December 17 activities? Find an event near you on our Event Locations page.
Organizing an event for December 17? Please click here to add your event for 2012, or email dec17@swopusa.org.
Sex Workers Outreach Project-USA is a national social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of sex workers and their communities, focusing on ending violence and stigma through education and advocacy.
December 17th is the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers. This event was created to call attention to crimes committed against sex workers all over the globe. Originally conceptualized by Annie Sprinkle and initiated by the Sex Workers Outreach Project USA as a memorial and vigil for the victims of the Green River Killer in Seattle Washington, the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers has empowered workers from cities around the world to come together and organize against discrimination and remember victims of violence. During the week of December 17th, sex worker rights organizations and their allies stage actions and vigils to raise awareness about violence that is commonly committed against sex workers. The assault, battery, rape and murder of sex workers must end. Existing laws prevent sex workers from reporting violence. The stigma and discrimination that is perpetuated by the prohibitionist laws has made violence against us acceptable. Please join with sex workers around the world and stand against criminalization and violence committed against our communities.

A public letter from Annie Sprinkle and your invitation to join us

Annie Sprinkle has provided us with her thoughts about the origins of December 17 including ten ways to participate in the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers. When Gary Ridgeway, the “Green River Killer,” was finally caught after murdering scores of sex workers Annie, “felt a need to memorialize my whore sisters that had died so horribly and needlessly.” She joined with Robyn Few, Stacey Swimme and Michael Foley (all members of the Sex Workers Outreach Project) to claim December 17 as the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers. Annie shares that, “to date hundreds of people around the world have done dozens of memorials, actions, and events of all kinds, and the participation is growing. Won’t you join us?” Read Annie’s full letter and invitation to join us in honoring December 17.

Videos from December 17 Events

See a short video from 2006 made by SWOP-LA. Organizations in England have made a series of videos to announce 2011 events in London. View one video here, another about connections between LGBT communities and sex workers’ rights here, a statement from a woman from Spain, a video focusing on the impact of laws and stigma, and a statement from a trans sex worker representative.


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