
lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

Asociación Internacional de personas trabajadoras sexuales

 Asociación Internacional de personas trabajadoras sexuales de todo el mundo:


The Charlie Spice Initiative (CSI) is global organisation, which provides advice and financial assistance to Sex Workers, Sex Worker Activists and Sex Worker Organisations around the world, to take legal action in instances where their civil and human rights are violated.
All applications for financial assistance are evaluated and approved without prejudice by a committee on a case by case basis to determine the level of funding offered to Sex Workers who need legal representation.
Our main focus areas are cases where Sex Workers are Raped, Physically Abused, Harassed and even Murdered. However other circumstances under which Sex Workers rights are violated are also considered.
CSI charges that the laws, policies, actions and inaction of the Government and related officials are in some instances archaic, barbaric and unconstitutional, and have been directly responsible for Sex Workers becoming victims of a myriad of civil and human rights violations.
Countless numbers of these civil and human rights violations have been unreported, unnoticed and unchallenged for many years, and even though the negative impact on Sex Workers has been clearly documented and widely known to the authorities, they have blatantly disregarded the rights and safety of hundreds of thousands of these unfortunate human beings because of political expedience, hypocrisy and biased morality.
The objectives of CSI are as follows.
  1. To create a sustainable, support system which enables the Sex Worker Community to afford proper legal representation
  2. To provide the Sex Worker Community with a proactive solution to dealing with legal issues.
Show your support by subscribing to SCI.
As part of our strategy to raise funds to finance the work of CSI, we are asking Sex Workers, Sex Workers Activists, Sex Worker Organisations, Clients and the general public to subscriber according the rates below.
Sex Workers - USD 25.00 per year
General Public - USD 25.00 per year
Sex Industry Clients - USD 75.00
Sex Industry Organisations - USD 95.00 per year
The Charlie Spice Initiative is the brainchild of Sex Industry talk show host Charlie Spice.

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