
domingo, 20 de enero de 2013

Prostitución en EE.UU.

 Toda la información sobre prostitución en EE.UU:


Detenciones por prostitución en los EE.UU., 2001-2010
Definición de" prostitución / vicio comercializado ", disponible en www.bjs.gov, :" La promoción ilegal o la participación en actividades sexuales a cambio de beneficios, incluyendo los intentos. Solicitar clientes o transportar personas con fines de prostitución ; poseer, administrar o gestionar una vivienda u otro establecimiento con el fin de proporcionar un lugar donde la prostitución se lleve a cabo, o de cualquier otra manera ayudar o promover la prostitución ".
Should prostitution be legal?
Should prostitution be legal?
Proponents of legalizing prostitution believe it would reduce crime, improve public health, increase tax revenue, help people out of poverty, get prostitutes off the streets, and allow consenting adults to make their own choices. They contend that prostitution is a victimless crime, especially in the 11 Nevada counties where it remains legal.

Opponents believe that legalizing prostitution would lead to increases in sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS, global human trafficking, and violent crime including rape and homicide. They contend that prostitution is inherently immoral, commercially exploitative, empowers the criminal underworld, and promotes the repression of women by men.
top 10 states for prostitution arrests by percentage of population and number of arrests 2010

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