A "sex worker" is a person who exchanges their own sexual labor or sexual performance for compensation, such as an escort/prostitute, porn star, stripper, dominatrix, phone sex operator, sensual masseuse, or web cam performer. Sex workers are part of the larger sex industry - which includes movie directors, club owners, webmasters, retail stores, and more - but are distinct because their job involves making money off of their own sexual labor, not writing about, photographing, managing, or selling the sexual labor or performances of others.
Prostitution and escorting are what most people think of when "sex work" is discussed, and then, often only street-based workers are considered. Various flavors of escorts and prostitutes exist across all regions, races, genders, and income levels, and while there is no single reality for all of them, there is a common desire to be treated with respect, and to be safe from violence and the current laws that enable violence against sex workers. Maggie McNeill, a retired escort, gives an overview of the issues.
Prostitution is called the “world’s
oldest profession”, and given that even chimpanzees are known to
practice it (by trading sex for food) that’s probably an accurate
assessment. Classical cultures from Greece to Japan usually tried to
control the trade in one way or another, whether by licenses or
restrictions on dress or segregation, but until the end of the 19th
century the idea of actually attempting to abolish it entirely was
almost unheard of. Individual rulers might ban brothels, harass street
workers or even put courtesans on trial, but such measures were merely
local and nearly always very short-lived. In places on the North
American frontier, prostitutes were often the only women available;
then, as now, many chose the lifestyle as a means of securing
independence, and some of the freedoms modern women take for granted
(such as the right to own property) were first won by prostitutes. In
every society for which records of such transactions still exist, free
prostitutes of even the lowest social strata enjoyed a comparatively
higher income than their non-prostitute peers, and an attractive and
talented prostitute might pull in enough to live far above the level of
the social class into which they were born. But toward the end of the
19th century, Protestant Christian ideas about the perfectibility of
humanity combined with Victorian ideas of scientific progress to give
birth to the “Social Purity” movement in England and the United States;
followers of this philosophy lobbied legislators to criminalize such
“vices” as alcohol, prostitution and even masturbation.
The work and terminology
There are many different words used
to describe the people who do this work: prostitute, streetwalker,
brothel worker, escort, call girl, rent boy, etc, but all of us (no
matter how expensive) earn our bread in exactly the same way: we provide
sex and companionship, which for some clients is more important than
actual sex. Though most people immediately think of the stereotypical
“lady of the evening” standing beside a lamp post, in truth most of us
look pretty much like any other people you might know, and it’s entirely
possible that there are escorts living in your neighborhood, shopping
at the same grocery stores as you do and sending their kids to the same –
sometimes even private – schools.
Prostitution and escorting is like
any job in that it has its benefits and risks, and it's not right for
everyone. Though some people like to pretend that sex is somehow
different from all other human activities, in an objective sense, sexual
services are no more “immoral” than any other personal services such as
getting a manicure. The popular view of prostitution and escorting is
that it’s easy money, and that all a person has to do is lie back and
collect the money. But in reality, it's a service-based business like
any other, and low effort produces low income just as it would in any
other field. Any successful businessperson must advertise and spend
time, money and effort on maintaining professional facilities and
equipment – which in an escort’s case could mean maintaining an
apartment or house in which to receive clients (an “incall”), plus time
at the gym, tanning salon, beauty parlor and the like. And just as those
who sell cars or real estate must spend time doing credit checks on
prospective clients, escorts perform their own “credit checks”:
screening prospective clients by checking their references or even
performing background checks. (This is why some workers prefer to employ
managers or escort agencies; they handle advertising, receive phone
calls or answer emails, check references and the like, and in return
receive a percentage just as a literary or theatrical agent does.) The
most important part of this screening is not to protect prostitutes from
bad clients but rather from the police, whom many sex workers consider
the single greatest threat to our lives, liberties and livelihoods.
Since there are so many different
kinds of prostitutes and escorts, it’s difficult to describe what a
typical day might be like, since it can vary widely; one of the primary
reasons people choose sex work is its flexibility, so there might be as
many schedules as there are people. Those who enjoy working late hours
might not get up until the afternoon, while those with children need to
get them up early for school just like anyone else; many of these even
confine their work hours to the time the kids are in school. An agency
escort might then call the agency to let the operator know she’s
available, while an independent would head for the computer to check
emails, update advertising, screen potential clients or interact with
other professionals and clients on industry message boards. Most like to
intersperse errands between appointments, but some prefer to remain “at
work” all day and save the personal chores for later (this would
certainly be true for those who work in brothels or massage parlors).
Some escorts like to work a set schedule, while many agency escorts
prefer to just remain available until it’s time for bed. As in any form
of self-employment, the hours can be very long and greater time
investment generally brings higher income.
Labor, legal, and other issues
SWAAY, along with almost all sex
workers, is in favor of full decriminalization of all forms of sex work
involving consenting adults. If adult prostitution were decriminalized
providers could report dangerous clients or abusive pimps to the police,
and clients could report shady agencies which offered them underage
teens. Because of marginalization prostitutes have a long history of
supporting each other, and though they have on occasion tried to point
police in the direction of criminals (such as the serial killers Gary
Ridgeway and Robert Pickton), their information is generally ignored or
dismissed by authorities until they become desperate enough to act on
any tip at all. No one is in a better position to hear about
trafficking, underage workers and other problems than prostitutes, but
because they are treated as victims or criminals their words and offers
of help go unheeded. If American politicians really wanted to fight sex
trafficking they would decriminalize prostitution and thereby instantly
gain a million allies against the real bad guys.
One problem with our current laws is
that it's not always easy to tell prostitutes and escorts apart from
other sex workers (or non-sex workers). Aggressive anti-prostitution
enforcement relies on overly-broad definitions of law-breaking,
circumstantial evidence (such as the possession of condoms) or even
police hunches to sweep up dominatrixes, massage therapists and even
provocatively-dressed non-sex workers in the dragnet. Police departments
are also known to arrest transgender individuals as suspected
prostitutes just for being out in public. Even places where prostitution
is legalized have problems resulting from erroneous assumptions; for
example, because the abusive pimp stereotype is so common, many
countries have laws against prostitutes supporting others with their
earnings, thus preventing them from hiring security or secretaries or
even working together for safety. As with many ill-conceived efforts
directed at stamping out the sex industry, anti-pimp laws generally
don't save the truly downtrodden and abused, but criminalize methods
employed by sex workers to protect themselves from violence and abuse.
Some radical feminists, especially those in power in the Scandinavian
countries, believe that it’s not possible to protect sex workers from
violence because they define all prostitution as “male violence against
women” despite the fact that not all prostitutes are female, not all
clients are male and male-male transactions don’t even involve women at
Common myths and misconceptions
Myth: The average age at which a prostitute enters the trade is 13.
Fact: This myth is derived from a misunderstanding of the 2001 Estes & Weiner study, which actually found that the average age at which underage prostitutes enter the trade is 16.
Fact: This myth is derived from a misunderstanding of the 2001 Estes & Weiner study, which actually found that the average age at which underage prostitutes enter the trade is 16.
Myth: Most prostitutes are coerced into the business, do so to pay for drugs or have no other options.
Fact: Most prostitutes choose the work for the same reason as anyone chooses a job: it fits that person’s needs and preferences. Prostitutes don’t use drugs any more or less often than people in other jobs, can be of any educational level, and many have “regular” jobs and merely “moonlight” as sex workers for extra income.
Fact: Most prostitutes choose the work for the same reason as anyone chooses a job: it fits that person’s needs and preferences. Prostitutes don’t use drugs any more or less often than people in other jobs, can be of any educational level, and many have “regular” jobs and merely “moonlight” as sex workers for extra income.
Myth: Prostitution is inherently degrading, and no woman would freely choose to prostitute herself.
Fact: Everyone is different, and different people are comfortable with many different kinds of work and many different kinds of sex. Most sex workers feel that their work actually increases their self-esteem.
Fact: Everyone is different, and different people are comfortable with many different kinds of work and many different kinds of sex. Most sex workers feel that their work actually increases their self-esteem.
Myth: All prostitutes have pimps, and most prostitutes work on the street.
Fact: Pimps are actually quite rare; most prostitutes and escorts work independently, and only a small minority work on the street.
Fact: Pimps are actually quite rare; most prostitutes and escorts work independently, and only a small minority work on the street.
Myth: Only desperate, ugly men hire prostitutes or escorts.
Fact: Men of all kinds and all levels of income and attractiveness hire prostitutes or escorts; the only thing they share is an interest in discretion. Affairs and one-night-stands can lead to troublesome complications, but sex workers have a vested interest in maintaining their own privacy and that of their clients.
Fact: Men of all kinds and all levels of income and attractiveness hire prostitutes or escorts; the only thing they share is an interest in discretion. Affairs and one-night-stands can lead to troublesome complications, but sex workers have a vested interest in maintaining their own privacy and that of their clients.
Myth: Prostitutes spread disease.
Fact: The great majority of prostitutes and escorts are scrupulous about condom usage and other safer-sex practices because they understand the risk, and sexually transmitted diseases of all kinds are much more common among the sexually active general population than among sex workers.
Fact: The great majority of prostitutes and escorts are scrupulous about condom usage and other safer-sex practices because they understand the risk, and sexually transmitted diseases of all kinds are much more common among the sexually active general population than among sex workers.
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